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“ Style, Quality, Service ” is the spirit of JES UNI. We Made in Taiwan. |
Jes Uni Biotech recently launches more of our focus in Vietnam. We were representative office of iFresh Taiwan for the food and healthfood cooperation between Taiwan and Viietnam. Now our newly developed machine for producing Static Proton Dialysis Water for both human drinking and Aqiuaculture using. Besides, our Vietnam office is helping Taiwan investors to Vietnam on all aspects. |
JES越南合夥人張玉碧已經在越南申請新的進出口公司從事台灣與越南間雙向經營生物科技產品、食品、家具以及相關的生產機具設備。 Covid19期間,我們提供全球丁晴手套與生產機器規劃,協助挽救全世界疫情危機受害的性。 目前敝公司越南服務項目擴增,包括全球進入越南的簽證與旅遊服務、台商進入越南投資的尋地與廠房的協助、擔任台灣愛鮮聯盟的越南代表處、推廣世紀發明- 重空核子效應產生靜質子水合水機器的越南水生產與服務。 JES UNI BIOTECH JOINT STOCK COMPANY CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN JES UNI BIOTECH Số 1, Ngõ 1A, Đ. Nguyễn Cơ Thạch,P. Mỹ Đình 2 Quận Nam Từ Liêm,T.P. Hà Nội, Viet NamEmail: