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血癌 截錄自彭奕俊醫師的醫學巨著 醫鑰

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以下有關血癌乃是我(廖仁慈)節錄自彭奕竣醫師的醫學巨著【醫鑰】(English version also here)


第五章第十二節 血癌 P.263- P.280(一群被預防針與抗生素藥物傷害的幼小受害者常被認定的疾病)白血病,再生障礙性貧血、地中海型貧血、血友病、大理石寶寶




小兒麻痹、腦炎、腦膜炎、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、德國麻疹的病患減少之後,換得的血癌病患 - 白血球、再生障礙性貧血、地中海型貧血、血友病、大理石寶寶........一串串醫學權威自己都不懂的新病患,人數直線上升,其總數和較前者有過之而無不及的傷害,有誰知呢?


1988年12月16日:中視“90分鐘”節目,內容訪台大△醫師;“在窗外有藍天”募集慈善基金(實為公開騙錢)談血癌病患,用化學治療或骨髓移植成功率,從昔日的百分之五到百分之廿 進步到今日的百分之六十,因病患負擔不起醫療費用,而放棄治療,或轉向中醫求治,結果被說成許多病患都因被中醫延誤病情,而肇致治療失敗。

找中醫治療的癌症病患,可以說是百分之一百零一,都是被西醫治得面目全非、走頭無路,才會找到中醫來試試,病患被誤治之由良性變惡性—— 俗說“小病變大病”,不知是中醫,還是西醫延誤病情,使小病變大病,良性變惡性的殘害病患呢?



今日被科學醫(騙)得身體、金錢........ 面目全非,見了要令人大歎三聲無奈的病患,比比皆是,何以致於如此,被中醫治療是延誤病情,被西醫治得傾家蕩產、家破人亡是科學、是活該,以致民間有“西醫殺人無罪,中醫救人無功”之歎!





預防針是否是藥物呢?它是一種病毒,它的預防注射卻是大家一起來,受這病毒之害 -- 破壞身體的免疫功能。預防針這種病毒,身體能接受的沒話講,身體不能接受的怎麼辨?是否立刻造成血液細胞的突變、基因的突變呢?

大家都知道,白血球是身上抵抗病毒的細胞,白血球為什麼會突然從正常升到三萬、五萬........ 十萬、廿萬呢?今日的解釋是身上有發炎,白血球就會升高是真的嗎?當孩子感冒被用抗生素,而又受到不能接受的病毒 - 預防針侵入時,白血球即時上升而與預防針病毒及抗生素與感冒病毒大會戰,而造成白血球數據的急速上升。

今日科學發明了白血球數據的檢查,不問原因 - 預防針病毒與抗生素藥物毒的衝突,反而在降白血球的數據,降白血球的藥物在傷害心臟、傷害脊髓(腰為腎之腑)以致心臟不能造血,脊髓不能造血 - 皆降白血球的藥物所造成。事實上,醫療只要把預防針及抗生素之藥物毒害清除,白血球急劇升高的數據就自然下降而恢復健康。

白血球病的危害,是今日醫療的科學找錯了對象,預防針更將身體自然製造免疫功能的作用破壞。嬰兒體力、抵抗力較弱,從出生後,要遭受多少病毒 -- 預防針的肆虐、摧殘呢?





B型肝炎因肝受感冒化學藥物 — 抗生素中毒,與風寒所阻,導致肝不能充血而好累、好疲倦、好想睡覺,血不能藏於肝,則肝無血以供應心臟以產生活力。






心腎為少陰經(手少陰心,足少陰腎)被強力消炎,或化學治療....... 致心臟更衰弱,無力將肝臟血液輸送到全身,肝、脾又瘀血太多致氾濫成災,引起鼻子、牙齦、口腔或大小便流血不止,中醫謂之“氣虛不能攝血”,當補“心氣”以引血歸經,使心臟有力將肝血輸送入經絡,以產生活力。更當滋養腎陰,使肝中之毒從腎、小便排出,而不是打血小板止血。























(2 )脊髓穿刺檢查致死例及眼球癌的謀殺事件




















要知道小病變大病 - 良性變惡性乃是醫療的過失所造成,故不應由病患來承擔這疾病的傷痕,讓病患瞭解血癌就是預防針、抗生素、感冒三者雜合而至的病,就像治感冒一樣,就可使血癌病患痊癒,沒有什麼大不了、是以筆者對血癌痊癒的病患有約法三章,能遵守此約法三章,則血癌就沒有再發的機會,否則後悔莫及,此約法三章如後:

一、任何感冒,絕對禁止使用西藥 - 抗生素,發燒絕對禁止吊點滴液。



血癌病患痊癒後與一般人無異,要知道血癌只是藥物對人體傷害所產生的一種疾病,只要避開它,就能免除再度的危害。今日許多血癌病患都一直在輸血 - 即進補,因血癌病都是元氣大傷,該補氣,而不應補血,氣足則血自生,輸血不能恢復造血功能,且有受血中疾病傷害的危險。是否大眾對血癌的觀念應有所修正呢?


(4)輸血 - 捐血一袋、害人一命

血在醫學上只是一味藥 - 補藥




許多氣虛的病患,貧氣而不貧血,是氣血不能協調如血癌病患,根本就不缺血,只能補氣使血運行,則血自生,而不可輸血,輸血不能使造血功能恢復 – 心臟將肝血輸送到全身(心臟根本不是造血的器官),反因輸血造成肝脾積血太多而致肝臟腫大,脾臟腫大,皆因肝脾瘀血蓄積,心臟無力將其輸導所造成,或頭兩側偏頭痛(醫生皆告訴病患是癌細胞蔓延到腦),或左脅肋痛(脅為肝的經絡)皆因瘀血鬱於肝、脾經絡所造成。









(四)骨髓移植 - 血癌不是血液病變 教學醫院誇大不實的廣告,謀財害命的新招


輸血補血造成身體氣、血的不能平衡,不能達到進補的目的 - 氣的運行,血癌不是血液病,故輸血不能達到心臟、骨髓重新造血,以恢復健康的目的。

輸血進補不成,經研究想要輸送骨髓液 - 骨髓移植,進補骨髓,以促使骨髓能重新造血為什麼不問骨髓不能造血是如何發生的呢?卻天天在罵中醫藉肝補肝,藉心補心是錯誤的,而自己所做的呢?










西醫不會治感冒。更不會治血癌,不會治卻照治不誤,更創造出科學怪招 --- 骨髓移植,置病患的死生於不顧的科學,是醫療科學的進步,還是科學郎中騙錢的手段更進步、更毒辣了呢?

The following information about blood cancer is excerpted by me (Jesse Liau) from Dr. Peng Yijun’s medical masterpiece [Medical Key]


Chapter 5 Sec.12 Blood Cancer P. 263 – P280 (Patients did not die immediately due to the harm from vaccinations or antibiotic drugs) including Leukemia, aplastic anemia, thalassemia, hemophilia, marble babies…

(I. Introduction:

From experience, we can find that children with polio, blood cancer or edema have much higher intelligence than average children. That is to say, children with such diseases are particularly smart and capable. Maybe they were jealous for their abilities!

Children with encephalitis and encephalitis were smarter before the attack, but due to modern medicine, spinal cord aspiration causes a sharp decline in brain power. This is because the spinal cord aspiration causes kidney deficiency, causing cold and wind evil to enter the kidneys, which is the same as Alzheimer's disease. , not that the brain is burned out. It is the same as the anesthesia injection at the Mingmen point on the waist of a woman during a caesarean section, which causes a sharp decline in the woman's memory and intelligence - she forgets this and that when she picks up things.


After the number of patients with polio, encephalitis, meningitis, measles, chickenpox, mumps, and German measles decreased, patients with blood cancers are replacing - white blood cells, aplastic anemia, thalassemia, hemophilia, marble babies... etc..who knows that there are a series of new patients that the medical authorities themselves do not understand, and the number of patients has skyrocketed. The total number and harm are worse than the previous ones.

United Daily News, January 4, 1989, Life Page: "Why? Parents and teachers, please pay attention, cancer has quietly entered the campus! and there is a sudden increase in student casualty from cancer - Taiwan Life Student Insurance reported 175 cancer deaths in 1987, 245 in 1988." If doctors and authorities can’t help it, how could teachers and parents pay attention? The death toll from blood cancer among uninsured infants and children is even more alarming yet not been recorded.

December 16, 1988: China Central TV’s “90 Minutes” program, which featured an interview with a doctor from Taiwan University; “There’s a Blue Sky Outside the Window” raised charity funds (actually an open fraud) and talked about the success rate of chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation for blood cancer patients. Said, It has progressed from 5 - 20% in the past to 60% today. Said, because patients cannot afford the high medical expenses, patients give up treatment or turn to traditional Chinese medicine (hereafter called TCM) for treatment. As a result, many patients are said to be suffering from TCM delays the condition and causes treatment failure.

It ‘s almost 101% of the cancer patients who seek treatment by TCM have already been treated by Western medicine until they are out of shape and no way out, so they seek TCM to try luck. The patient's mistreatment turns from benign to malignant - - As the saying goes, "small lesions can lead to serious diseases." I wonder if it is TCM or Western medicine that delays the disease, makes small lesions serious, and turns benign into malignant diseases?

From the XX Provincial Hospital, we can stir up domestic and foreign bone marrow transplant investigations, and we can understand whether the success rate stated by scientific doctors and authorities is true and credible? Is the success rate a big lie that seeks wealth and death, is it a success rate that ruins everything and destroys a family, or is it a survival rate that leaves no one alive after two years?

Why does blood cancer occur? How to treat and recover? If you understand the medicine of TCM, the total medical expenses for the treatment and recovery of blood cancer patients will not reach one-tenth or one percent of the medical expenses for bone marrow transplantation. The medical expenses of TCM can be afforded by every family, and it will never lead to bankruptcy. Unaffordable medical expenses will never happen, but the public normally cannot see or hear the voices of patients who have been cured by TCM. Why?

Today, there are many patients who have been (cheated) out of their lifes and money by scientific doctors till they are out of shape. Why is this so? People thought TCM is delaying the disease, It’s scientific and deserved to be treated by Western medicine and (Ha) lead to bankruptcy, destruction of family and lives. As a result, people have lamented that "Western medicine is not guilty of killing people, but TCM is useless in saving people"!


(2) Causes of blood cancer: Blood cancer is not a blood disease

Cancer is a mutation of cancer cells and genes. The cause of the mutation is yet unknown? Is the reason really unknown? or is there something else hidden? Read this article carefully to learn the truth and understand the true face of blood cancer:


Is there any medicine in the world that everyone can use? If a drug is suitable for A, can it be suitable for B? Can B be suitable for C? Can C be suitable for D? Suitable for...… Are baby vaccinations medicines? It is a virus, but the vaccinations are for all to suffer the harm of virus - destroying the body's immune function. Baby vaccinations against viruses never check whether the baby can tolerate or not, and how to judge if the baby cannot tolerate it and will it immediately cause mutations in blood cells and genes.

Everyone knows that white blood cells are the cells in the body that resist viruses. The white blood cells data could suddenly rise from normal to 30,000, 50,000... 100,000, 200,000. Today's medical explanation is that if there is inflammation in the body, white blood cells will increase. Is it true? When a child is treated with antibiotics for a cold and is exposed to an unacceptable virus - the vaccination, the white blood cells immediately rise and compete with the vaccination virus and the antibiotics with the cold virus. This will resulting in a rapid increase of white blood cells.

Today, science has invented the test of white blood cell data. Regardless of the reason - the conflict between the virus and antibiotic drugs, all aims to reduce the number of white blood cells. The drugs that reduce white blood cells are harming the heart and the spinal cord (the waist is the organ of the kidney), causing the heart to fail in hematopoiesis and the spinal cord cannot form hematopoiesis. All problems caused by drugs that reduce white blood cells. In fact, as long as the poison of vaccinations and antibiotics is removed by medical treatment, the sharp increase in white blood cells will naturally back to normal and health will be restored.

The leukemia are caused by today's medical science’s wrong targeting toward viruses. Vaccination even destroys the body's natural immune function. Babies have weak physical strength and resistance. How many viruses and vaccinations will they endure from birth?

Have you ever noticed that a cute lovely baby kept crying and be restless for a few days or months after receiving the three-in-one vaccine? After taking the hepatitis B vaccination, what if the cinnabar palms appear on the palms similar to those of liver cancer patients? The child's forehead turned black as if it had been rubbed with soot. Why? do you know?

Today's medicine does not eliminate the virus caused by vaccination. Instead, as with hepatitis B, antibiotics introduce wind-cold into the liver, causing the liver enzyme SGOP and SGPT data to rise. And then further use western medicine to reduce SGOP. , SGPT data. This causes liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. It damages the heart and kidneys, causing the heart to be unable to produce blood, and the spinal cord to be unable to produce blood and require blood transfusion. Anti-leukocyte drugs damages the heart and the spinal cord. This result is only due to today's medicine has invented methods to check white blood cell data.

The Nei Jing says: "The liver stores blood, the spleen controls blood, and when lying down, blood returns to the liver." That is to say, in our body, during sleep, the spleen collects blood throughout the body and sends it to the liver for concentration. The liver does the work of removing toxins and waste from the blood. When the liver is filled with clean blood (charged like a battery), after waking up, the clean liver blood continuously supplies the heart. The heart transports the clean blood processed by the liver to the whole body to generate vitality. The liver supplies the heart blood. When the liver blood is consumed by the heart, people will feel tired and sleepy. During sleep, the liver recollects, stores, and cleans blood. When person wake up, the liver is recharged with blood and physical strength is restored to supply blood to the heart.


Many people wake up in the morning with a bitter or dry mouth, which is a symptom of the liver being unable to process toxins. Medical treatment demanding us to take medicine to help the liver solve the problem. Hepatitis B is caused by the liver being poisoned by cold chemical drugs - antibiotics, and being blocked by wind and cold, causing the liver unable to be congested with blood, making the patient feel tired and sleepy. The blood cannot be stored in the liver, and the liver has no blood to supply the heart to generate vitality.

White blood cells are weakened in their ability to resist colds due to vaccination, and subsequent colds are suppressed by anti-inflammatory drugs. The anti-inflammatory drugs hurt the heart and kidneys, causing the heart to be unable to transport the blood collected by the liver to the whole body.

Patients with leukemia are afraid of colds. The actual harm and fatal injury is the damage to the heart and kidneys caused by repeated use of antibiotics for colds, which is the real culprit that kills leukemia patients.

Hepatitis B causes the liver to be congested by viruses (wind and cold) and drug toxins and cannot be congested. Patients with leukemia have liver congestion and the heart is unable to pump out liver blood. The spleen also has a related effect, causing hepatosplenomegaly. All of these are caused by blood transfusions that cause oral congestion. Lesions caused by stopped nosebleeds.

Blood cancer patients are not short of blood. They are just short of "qi" due to the weakness of the heart caused by anti-inflammation. The heart is unable to output the blood in the liver to supply the whole body, and the "qi and blood" are unable to coordinate. There is no lack of blood at all. Blood transfusions even cause liver disease. Due to the burden, the liver and spleen accumulated too much blood due to blood transfusion, and because the heart was weak, it could not output the blood accumulated in the liver, resulting in enlargement of the liver and spleen.

Iron is an essential component of hematopoiesis. Today, after a patient receives a blood transfusion, he or she needs to take iron-removing drugs to eliminate excess iron. I wonder what kind of tricks medicine is playing today?

The Heart and Kidney meridian of Shaoyin (Hand Shaoyin Heart, Foot Shaoyin Kidney) is strongly anti-inflammatory or chemically treated... causing the heart to become even weaker, unable to transport blood from the liver to the whole body, and the liver and spleen become stagnant. Too much can lead to flooding, causing bleeding from the nose, gums, mouth, or in the urine and feces. TCM calls it "Qi deficiency cannot absorb blood." "Heart Qi" should be replenished to guide blood into the meridians, so that the heart can powerfully transport liver blood into the meridians. to generate vitality. It should be more about nourishing kidney yin so that the poison in the liver can be excreted from the kidneys and urine, rather than injecting platelets to stop bleeding.

There was too much blood, and the heart was unable to transport the liver blood, causing the mouth, nose, and teeth to bleed. However, it was wrongly diagnosed that the bleeding was due to a lack of platelets. As a result, the blood was bruised and accumulated in the body causing circulatory disorders. When many cancer cells enter the brain, they cause headaches due to qi deficiency or blood stasis. Who should be responsible for the patient's tragic end?

Patients with blood cancer are like a river’s middle reaches blocked (poisoning from vaccinations and cold medicines). People downstream have no water to drink, but people upstream are flooded.

In today’s medical treatment of blood cancer, anemic people downstream who are dehydrated (too little hemoglobin) need blood transfusions, those who are suffering from flooding upstream (gums, mouth and nose bleeding) need platelets to stop bleeding, and cancer cells with genetic mutations in the middle need to be killed with chemotherapy. Mutated cancer cells are like a bandit who enters a home and closes the door to kill and fight with it. If you use chemical drugs on your flesh and blood, who are you killing?

Why do cancer cell genes mutate? The blood of a normal person is a bottle of pure water. With one injection, it doesn't matter if the medicine is suitable for the body. But if the medicine is not suitable for the body, will it cause the body's bottle of pure water (blood cells such as white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, etc.) to mutate immediately? The human body is made of flesh. Many chemical drugs, antibiotics, and virus vaccinations that cannot adapt to the body cause chemical changes in the flesh and blood. Will cancer cells and genes mutate immediately?

How are leukemia, thalassemia, aplastic anemia, hemophilia, marble babies produced? Everyone should be able to understand it, instead of not knowing the reason anymore!

Are vaccinations (viruses) medicines? Vaccinations are given to all baby child since is born. There are too many vaccinations. Many vaccinations cause the body's ability to generate natural antibodies to decline. Leukemia patients suffer from oral erosions due to the inability to expel the measles virus, and the three-in-one vaccine is the most common cause of poisoning. Lymphadenopathy is due to the inability to expel the mumps virus, and ecchymoses on the legs and feet are all due to heart injuries caused by anti-inflammatory drugs. The heart's inability to return venous blood back to the heart, causing ecchymosis, is caused by the anti-inflammatory effects of cold medicines.

The body's natural disease resistance declines, resulting in constant colds, which are inflamed by antibiotics and hurt the kidneys. Today, the number of cancer cases in children continues to rise, and medical expenses are exorbitant. Who is responsible?

It is not so difficult for blood cancer patients to be treated and cured. The difficulty lies in the misconceptions and fear of blood cancer among the public today.

All blood cancer patients suffer from severe damage to their vitality. Antibiotics are used to reduce inflammation, which is the main cause of damage to the heart and kidneys. When the patient's body has just recovered, the vitality has normally not recovered, The colds are treated with antibiotics, and especially fevers are treated with intravenous drips to introduce superficial wind evil. The unrecovered heart and kidneys are the main cause of fatal injuries and relapse of the disease. Moreover, if the patient has any changes in the body, he or she should suspect the recurrence or complications of blood cancer. This kind of mindless disease is really difficult to cure. Patients die from medical treatment - die from medicine rather than from disease. Death from surgery is not caused by the failure of the operation, but died due to the severe loss of vitality after the operation and the anti-inflammation caused by antibiotics. The heart and kidneys cannot withstand the anti-inflammation of antibiotics. He died, but doctors normally told his family that he died of complications from xx syndrome.


(3) Cases and taboos

(1) Blood cancer bloodline cases both grandpa and grandchildren were cured

Mr. Xie was 66 years old. After his teeth failed to heal after more than two months of treatment, he was diagnosed with leukemia at the XX Teaching Hospital. He was refused hospitalization. The teaching hospital prescribed medicine for a week and asked him to take back home. As a result, the patient didn't get up for two days and could only answer "Uh! Uh!" when he called. His wife was a teacher at a certain elementary school. She took the medicine from the teaching hospital to a certain pharmacy and asked the pharmacist check the drugs. As a parent of the teacher's student, the pharmacist told the teacher: This medicine is a drug test-using period by the XX Teaching Hospital.

Later, Mr. Xie was introduced to me the author and diagnosed that the toothache was due to the deficiency of the kidneys and the excessive fire. However, after already being treated for more than two months, the inflammation has already hurt his kidneys. The heart and kidneys were weak, the face was pale, and the cheeks were red. He needed to ignite the fire and return it to the original state. First, use Buzhong Yiqi. The toothache was cured by adding coptis, aconite, dried ginger, platycodon and other decoctions to the soup. He was then treated with heart and kidney tonic medicine for four and a half months. He is still healthy and normal to this day (1991) at the age of 72.

Afterwards, the patient's wife told me of her anger that the teaching hospital had treated her father-in-law as a subject of drug testing. I laughed and said, you intellectuals only heard the advertisement of "complete equipment and sophisticated instruments", but you were blinded. You miss reading the biggest words XX Teaching Experimental Hospital at the entrance of every teaching hospital (equivalent to the medical school affiliated hospitals). The true meaning of the four words "teaching, learning and experimenting" is ignored. Complete equipment and sophisticated instruments are... For the sake of teaching, learning, and experimenting correctly, and not for treating your illnesses, what can you say about sending yourself to their doorstep as guinea pigs for experiments on mice, monkeys, and other animals?

Mr. Xie's grandson is fourteen years old. He wakes up every morning with bleeding from his mouth and nose, and his clothes, quilts and pillows are stained red. Two teaching hospitals diagnosed him with leukemia (aplastic anemia). His grandfather had leukemia and his grandson also had leukemia, so it was considered a family bloodline disease problem.

I diagnosed that the child often caught colds and was treated by a doctor with ordinary cold medicines, which was ineffective. Then doctor had to use special medicines to cure the cold. After taking special medicines for many colds, his heart, spleen and kidneys were seriously damaged by the special medicines, resulting in heart and spleen deficiency. The blood does not return to the menstrual period, causing endless bleeding. The many red spots and ecchymoses on the feet are the result of the measles poison, which is interfered by the vaccination and cannot be excreted. It causes frequent colds. This is not a blood or family problem, but that the grandpa and grandson all share the same disease. Hospitals treat diseases, and grandpa and grandson are harmed by the same medicine.

Today's hospitals putoff all responsibility for the harm caused by drugs to patients, and puts the blame on family, lineage, genetic issues, or needle-borne infections such as hepatitis B to deceive patients.

Today, many family, bloodline, and genetic disease problems are actually caused by the fact that someone in the same family is sick, and they all go to the same doctor or hospital for treatment, and are harmed by the same medicine.

Different environments, different diets, and different climates cause different diseases in different places, and the drugs used are all different. But what is the fundamental problem that the whole world suffers from the same disease today? Doctors all over the world are using the same medicine, and the same medicine causes the same disease. This is the fundamental reason why the same disease occurs all over the world today. However, family lineage and genetics have become the basis for doctors and hospitals to use the same medicine. The same drug causes harm and serves as a shield for disease, making it impossible for patients to investigate the "science".

After ten months of treatment, the ecchymosis on the child's feet disappeared, and the bleeding from the mouth and nose stopped. It has been more than two years since the child stopped taking the medicine (1991), and there is no sign of recurrence. There is no problem of ancestry or genetics. question.

(2) Spinal puncture deaths and eyeball cancer murders

A young man surnamed Wan, 17 years old, has recovered from blood cancer and has not taken any more medication for four years. All examinations are normal. A teaching hospital praised his mother for taking good care of him. He has not taken medicine for four years and has no signs of illness. However, his mother believe the doctor saying that without checking the bone marrow tender cells, cannot be sure whether he has truly recovered. My efforts to prevent it were ineffective, so he took a bone marrow test at the Tanzhong point. After the bone marrow was taken, the fever reached 39 to 40 degrees, the white blood cell count rose up to 400,000, and his eyeballs roll up. He came to see me for diagnosis. His pulse was vast but weak. I sighed and asked his mother to quickly buy two ounces of ginseng and one ounce of white aconite, boil them, let them cool, and let the patient take them to see if he could be saved. His mother said: How can he eat ginseng when he have a fever? I could only sigh and retreat. Three days later, the patient was collected by the God. With a single mistake in six days, four years of recovery were finished and gone, and all previous efforts were wasted.

Nei Jing Su Wen Ling Lan Mi Dian Lun No. 8: "Those who suffer from tangyi will be happy when they are entrusted to officials." Tanzhong point is the meeting point of Qi, and it has been regarded as a forbidden point for acupuncture in ancient times. Therefore, broiling is usually used instead of acupuncture in order to ensure safety. (The Tanzhong acupoint is right between the two nipples).

Acupuncture needles are as thick as hair. Acupuncture at the Tanzhong point can cause great changes to the body and heart. Therefore, acupuncture is banned. Now, 1 to 2cc of bone marrow fluid is taken from blood cancer patients for examination. The extent of the damage is obvious. .

The Tanzhong acupoint is located in the center of the human body. It is called Yuan'er. Yuanjian is located on the sea of ​​Qi. It is the meeting point of Qi. It is the origin of Ren pulse. It is the meeting point of Taiyin Shaoyin in the foot, the meeting point of Ren pulse in hand Taiyang Shaoyang, and the pericardium. When the acupoint is raised, the heart will be happy, and the heart will guide the king to perform immortality, so he will be the official of the minister. (Commonly known as the center point of Shangbagua is Tanzhong point).

Tanzhong, Mingmen, and Jingquan are all fatal points. It is common for Western medicine to extract bone marrow at these three fatal points. But how many lives have been wasted? Women who undergo caesarean section are also given anesthetic injections at the Mingmen point to obtain the special effects of anesthesia, which causes women to have a sharp decline in brain power and forget about this and that. The special effects of anesthesia also cause serious medical injuries.

Many children are diagnosed with eyeball cancer, that is, those whose red eyes (keratitis, conjunctivitis) are overly inflamed and become blind. Doctors will tell you that if the eyes are not dug out, the cancer cells will spread into the brain, and life will not be saved.

When measles is diagnosed, the eyes will be red, which is the same as the spots in blood cancer patients. Children with eye cancer have red eyes because they are poisoned by measles vaccinations and other drugs. As a result, the poison of measles cannot be eliminated, resulting in red eyes or blindness. There is no danger to life, but many teaching hospitals intimidate and threaten the parents of their children. If they don't dig out their children's eyes, the cancer cells will spread to the point of death and endanger their lives. There is no need to dig out the benign ones, but can they clean out the malignant ones? In fact, it is impossible to dig out the cancer cells by digging out the eyes. The method of deceiving patients is too cruel and poisonous!

The child whose eyes were gouged out had no right to refuse. As a result, the parents spent a lot of money in exchange for a worse situation.

Many eye cancer patients who did not believe the threats of scientific doctors and came to our TCM for treatment were fine, and there was no case of death due to cancer cells spreading to the brain.

How many children have been poisoned and had their eyes gouged out for examination? Health check-ups are really an extremely evil and deceptive science on the health of patients.

(3) How to avoid recurrence of blood cancer

We often hear family members of patients who have recovered from blood cancer say: The doctor told them that all tests are normal, but it does not mean that the blood cancer is cured. Without bone marrow puncture to check white blood cells, it cannot be determined whether the patient with blood cancer is truly cured. Fact: Bone marrow puncture also It is one of the main causes of patient injury and death.

Many family members of patients do not believe that the absence of medicine for three or four years does not mean that the disease has been cured. They are afraid that the disease will come back again. Instead, they need to check whether the disease has been eradicated and trust the examination of the teaching hospital, which cannot cure and cannot be cured. Where?

The grandson of Mr. Xie, the leukemia patient mentioned above, also suffered from leukemia. Half a year after my treatment and treatment, the patient's mother took her son to a teaching hospital where he had been hospitalized for four weeks for an examination. The platelet count was 20,000. Five thousand. After hearing this, his mother was almost frightened and called her sister-in-law (the patient's aunt is a teacher at a certain elementary school, the person who introduced me to the author for treatment). The sister-in-law told him to go home quickly to discuss his condition. The doctor of the teaching hospital said to the child's mother: "Why don't you get admitted to the hospital as soon as possible? His condition is like a time bomb on his body and may explode at any time. Do you still have to go home and think about it?" His sister-in-law went to the hospital and took the patient to another large private hospital for examination. The platelet count was 78,000, and the patient's mother felt a little relieved.

The patient's sister-in-law (the patient's aunt) then took the patient to a laboratory (laboratory) run by the student's parents for examination. The laboratory technician at the laboratory said: "With 25,000 platelets?! will you still walk here?" it will be strange if he has no nose bleeding, urinary bleeding, gastric bleeding, or systemic bleeding? The patient is full of energy, has sufficient energy, is not tired, and has no appearance of illness. He knows that the platelet count cannot be 25,000 without any examination." The patient's mother finally heard this! To the conscientious person, the patient burst into tears and laughed. The patient has not taken any medicine for more than two years, has not gotten sick and is in good health.

When the same patient is tested on the same day, three different laboratories will produce three completely different data. In particular, the teaching hospital uses outrageous data to defraud and intimidate patients. Its credibility is not even as good as that of small laboratories (laboratories). , science!

I never uses scientific data from medical tests as the standard for treatment. If you want to test, you have to do it one or two years after you stop taking the medicine. In order to be correct, the data generated under the control of medicine every day can be used as a reference for healthy recovery. ? ! It is just blinding the patient's sight and hearing, but it is actually slowly murdering the patient.

Illness is something that everyone will encounter. Who has never been sick? Any disease can be cured. It is not impossible for patients with leukemia to recover. Those who relapse after recovery are all caused by cold medicine and antibiotics causing further damage to the body. But for the general public, Without understanding the truth about the recurrence of the disease, many people are still worried day and night after recovery, and are even afraid that others will know about it. This is really unnecessary.

We must know that small lesions can turn into malignant diseases due to medical errors. Therefore, patients should not bear the scars of this disease. Let patients understand that blood cancer is a disease caused by the combination of vaccinations, antibiotics, and colds. , just like treating a cold, blood cancer patients can be cured. It is no big deal. Therefore, I have three rules for patients who have been cured of blood cancer. If you can abide by these three rules, there will be no chance for blood cancer to reoccur, otherwise you will regret it. The three chapters of this agreement are as follows:

1. It is absolutely forbidden to use western medicine - antibiotics for any cold, and it is absolutely forbidden to use intravenous drip for fever.

2. Any blood test is acceptable, but bone marrow puncture is absolutely prohibited.

3. Don’t trust the inspection data of a hospital, or even donot do inspection to ensure safety.

After recovery, blood cancer patients are no different from ordinary people. You must know that blood cancer is just a disease caused by drugs that harm the human body. As long as you avoid it, you can avoid further harm. Today, many blood cancer patients have been receiving blood transfusions - that is, supplements. Because blood cancers cause serious damage to the vitality, they should replenish qi, not blood. If qi is sufficient, blood will generate by itself. Blood transfusion cannot restore hematopoietic function, and there is a risk of being harmed by diseases in the blood. danger. Should the public's concept of blood cancer be revised?

(4) Blood transfusion - Donate one bag of blood, kill one life

Blood is just a medicine in medical science - tonic

TCM talks about tonic, while Western medicine talks about nutritional supplements. The words are different, but the meaning is the same. But we often hear: "Try not to take unnecessary injections or unnecessary blood transfusions." Isn’t it contradictory to donate a bag of blood and save a life?

Will Scavenger or the street vendor give people injections and blood transfusions? Or do people with seven years of medical education, doctors with professional knowledge, and large hospitals give injections and blood transfusions? Who can give unnecessary injections and unnecessary blood transfusions?

If a person who donates blood does not have hepatitis B or AIDS, does he not have other diseases? How many people are not sick today? Donating a bag of blood saves a life, but we don’t see the miserable situation of many patients who lose their lives due to blood transfusions. Because their bodies are weak and need blood transfusions to supplement their own diseases, they can no longer bear their own diseases, and they have to bear the diseases attached to the blood donors. , and the illness is getting worse, how can we be so embarrassed?

Many patients with qi deficiency are anemic qi but not anemic. It is because qi and blood cannot be coordinated. For example, patients with blood cancer are not short of blood at all. They can only replenish qi to make the blood circulate, and then the blood will generate itself. Blood transfusion is not allowed. Blood transfusion cannot restore hematopoietic function. – The heart transports liver blood to the whole body (the heart is not a hematopoietic organ at all), but due to blood transfusion, too much blood accumulates in the liver and spleen, leading to enlarged liver and spleen. This is due to the accumulation of blood in the liver and spleen, and the heart is unable to transfuse it. Caused by gastrointestinal tract, migraines on both sides of the head (doctors all tell patients that cancer cells have spread to the brain), or pain in the left hypochondrium (the hypochondrium is the meridian of the liver) are all caused by blood stasis in the liver and spleen meridians.

Blood transfusions and nutritional supplements for patients are entered into the human body through cramming (injection), which makes the patient's body unable to make natural adjustments and choices, and even causes another disease and another harm to the body.

There was once a female pharmacist who suffered from blood cancer and came to the author for diagnosis and treatment. I talked to her about the principle of donating a bag of blood and killing someone. She said: "Really, when receiving a blood transfusion, my heart felt very painful." No, please take out the blood transfusion needle as soon as possible." I said: You are a hospital employee. If you can't bear the blood transfusion, you dare to pull out the blood transfusion needle. Would others dare to pull it out? Where is the child? There is no right to refuse, and the harm of blood transfusion must be endured. This is because today's blood cancer patients suffer more harm from blood transfusion than the harm from the disease.

The founder of blood transfusion was during the Crusades, when captured strong men were bled and used as drinks and tonics for the conquerors.

Today, blood donation is free for the public, but medical treatment is the end result of many people losing their fortunes and their families. It can be said that donating a bag of blood will harm a person's life, and it will even cause people to lose their money and their families. Why do vampires appear in large numbers today? Without blood donation, there would not have been so many bankruptcies and family deaths. Why would blood donors continue to harm others?

Donating blood has become just another tool for making money and killing people. It has not cured one person's blood cancer patient, but it has caused many family tragedies. Donate a bag of blood and save a life, but who do you save? It is just for the purpose of promoting slogans, and it increases the opportunity for random knife and surgery to endanger human health and life. In the end, it only saves some people's pockets.

Why not let the public understand the TCM, which can cure leukemia without transfusion of a drop of blood? Why can't the public see or hear the medical theory of TCM and how it cures the disease?

The body is like a car. Gasoline is blood and electricity is gas. The blood and gas in the body are just like the gasoline in a car that needs to be started by electricity before it can run. The blood in the body also needs the activation of Qi in order for the body to move. Many diseases today It is lack of qi but not lack of blood, but modern medicine cannot detect diseases caused by qi and transfuse blood. How many people's lives and health have been harmed?


(4) Bone marrow transplant - Blood cancer is not a blood disease. Teaching hospitals exaggerate and false advertisements, a new way to seek wealth and death.

Is it wrong to rely on the liver to replenish the liver and borrow the heart to replenish the heart?

Blood transfusion to replenish blood causes the body's Qi and blood to be out of balance, and cannot achieve the purpose of tonic - the movement of Qi. Blood cancer is not a blood disease, so blood transfusion cannot achieve the purpose of recreating blood in the heart and bone marrow to restore health.

Blood transfusion and supplementation failed. After research, we want to transfer bone marrow fluid - bone marrow transplantation and supplement the bone marrow to promote the bone marrow to regenerate blood. Why not ask how the inability of the bone marrow to form blood occurs? But he scolds Chinese medicine doctors every day for using the liver to replenish the liver and using the heart to replenish the heart. But what about what he did?

The spinal cord is the main body that transmits and responds to our body's physical energy and thoughts. A full brain marrow means a healthy body. A full brain marrow depends on the strength of the kidneys. The Nei Jing says: the kidneys govern the bones, the bones govern the marrow, and the brain is the sea of ​​marrow. It is also said: When a person is born, he first becomes the essence, and when the essence is completed, the brain is born. That is to say, the strength of bones is controlled and produced by the kidneys, and the strength of marrow is controlled and produced by bones. The anti-inflammation of antibiotics is in the heart and kidneys. Kidney injury will cause the bone marrow to be unable to produce hematopoiesis. Bone marrow transplantation cannot prevent antibiotics from affecting the heart. If the kidney is injured and the kidney does not recover, how can the disease be treated and cured?

Patients who receive bone marrow transplants suffer from constant colds and repeated use of antibiotics, which damages the kidneys. Therefore, patients who receive bone marrow transplants suffer from repeated recurrences of blood cancer and even death. No one can see or hear them. We just saw and heard about successful transplants only without dying on the operating table.

In the future, if the classification of bone marrow is overcome, like blood types A, B, AB, and O, and the patient's bone marrow is transported like a blood transfusion, the slogan of donating a bag of bone marrow to save a life will become popular again. In the end, it is saving one life or kill one life?

There is a pair of brothers surnamed Qiu in Daxi. After spending millions of dollars on a bone marrow transplant in a provincial hospital, one of their noses completely rotted and the other had an enlarged liver and spleen and had his spleen removed. I said: Why not transplant the enlarged liver as well? What about resection? The answer is: The liver cannot be removed as liver removal will cause death.

Splenectomy will not result in death on the operating table, so what is the point of medical treatment? It only performs operations to prevent death on the operating table, and does not care about the recovery of the patient's health.

Many transplanted patients relapse several times within a year. No one can see or hear the miserable condition of the transplanted patients!

Today, the public can hear that the success rate of bone marrow transplantation is 90%. I don’t know where this 90% success rate came from. I don’t know where the scientific data (fraudulent data) came from. The Consumer Rights Commission should be asked to conduct an actual investigation and release it. , how many people have actually received bone marrow transplants today, and how many people have actually returned to normal health? Let the public no longer be deceived by hospitals and spend millions of dollars just for one or two years of survival or not dying on the operating table, which is the science of successful transplantation.

The tricks are getting more and more, the methods are becoming more and more vicious, and the disease is becoming more serious with the treatment of bone marrow transplantation. What is the real purpose of bone marrow transplantation to let the public know?

Blood cancer is caused by the decline of the body's disease-resistant immune function caused by vaccination, resulting in constant colds and antibiotics that damage the heart and kidneys. Why not eradicate the root cause of the disease when treating blood cancer and preventing cancer?


Western medicine cannot cure colds. He doesn't even know how to cure leukemia, he doesn't know how to treat it, but he still treats it without hesitation! and even created a strange scientific trick - bone marrow transplantation. It's a science that doesn't care about the patient's life or death. Is it an advancement in medical science, or is it more of a trick used by scientific doctors to cheat money? What about progress and becoming more vicious?

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